Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Journal: YC114.09.11

[Zainou "Socialite" SAC5000 P-series serial #4829/136/22B]
[User: Hakatain_YVG.]
[Conversation transcript]
[ Recording begins at 114.09.11 01:23:10 ]

Scherezad > "So, um, how is, ah, how's Nicole? I, um, I still haven't, ah, met her. You two are, um, doing well?"
Stitcher > "Mostly by not talking about some of the things I do want to talk about, but... yes. well enough."
Scherezad > "Hm. Yes, that, um, that's the trick, isn't it. I hope that, um, that soon it, uh, it can be. Um, in the open. Secrets are, ah, hard, on a person."
Stitcher > "The truth can be harder. I know that one from experience."
Scherezad >"Um, true! True. I guess you, ah, you have to, um. Choose your secrets, ah, well."
Stitcher > "And exercise your willpower in not sharing them. Especially when you really want to."
Scherezad > "Mm. Well, I, ah, I ohpe you can, um, tell someone. It might, uh, make it easier. Someone safe."
Stitcher > "Heh. That would be Sinikka, my sister. And I know what her response would be."
Scherezad > "Oh! It, um, it's not about, um, about getting an answer. It's just, ah, just about, um, sharing it. Maybe it, um, it won't be as heavy. Um, if you share it."
Stitcher >  "That sounds... like a very good point. Hmm."
Scherezad > "I, um, well. I try. But, ah, whatever it is! I hope it, um, it doesn't, ah, bother you. We, we have enough, um, troubles, as it is."
Stitcher > "to having enough troubles as it is, then!"
Scherezad > "To, um, troubles! Kampani!"
Stitcher > "Kanpani"

[ Recording ends at 114.09.11 01:35:31 ]
[User comment follows]

If she only knew...

Save. End.

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