Channel ID: (('allianceid', 701459600),)
Channel Name: Alliance
Listener: V. "Stitcher" Hakatain PilotID:267169
Session started: YC113.04.17 11:22:58
[ 113.04.17 12:39:53 ] Elsebeth Rhiannon > ... Hakatain.
[ 113.04.17 12:40:13 ] Elsebeth Rhiannon > No offense, but what in an Amarrian hell are you doing on my alliance chat?
[ 113.04.17 12:41:24 ] Stitcher > the commcode came with my corporate jacket, locker key and monogrammed pen.
[ 113.04.17 12:41:47 ] Elsebeth Rhiannon > So.
[ 113.04.17 12:42:06 ] Elsebeth Rhiannon > All we are missing now is admiral Blake.
[ 113.04.17 12:43:14 ] Stitcher > I think you're wildly misinterpreting my beliefs and personal politics if you're comparing me to him.
[ 113.04.17 12:43:53 ] Elsebeth Rhiannon > Merely my surprise of seeing you here. I respect loyalty, even if it is for the enemy.
[ 113.04.17 12:45:40 ] Stitcher > I've never considered myself an enemy of the Minmatar. quite the reverse in fact.
[ 113.04.17 12:45:53 ] Elsebeth Rhiannon > Indeed.
[ 113.04.17 12:46:11 ] Elsebeth Rhiannon > That's another thing you have in common with Blake, I guess.
[ 113.04.17 12:46:53 ] Stitcher > Hah! Ooh, that was barbed.
[ 113.04.17 12:47:07 ] Elsebeth Rhiannon > Was too good an opening to be missed.
[ 113.04.17 12:47:24 ] Stitcher > yep. round one goes to you.
[ 113.04.17 12:47:57 ] Elsebeth Rhiannon > Welcome, then. You will excuse me if I remain sceptical for a while.
[ 113.04.17 12:48:48 ] Stitcher > Sure.
[ 113.04.17 12:50:10 ] Stitcher > I'm not here to prove anything or change anything. I'm here because a friend invited me, and because I want to learn.
[ 113.04.17 12:50:33 ] Elsebeth Rhiannon > Learn what? To use for what purpose?
[ 113.04.17 12:52:05 ] Elsebeth Rhiannon > I should probably stress that you have no obligation to answer, nor to do so in public; I am not in your chain of command.
[ 113.04.17 12:52:31 ] Elsebeth Rhiannon > Merely curious for my own reasons.
[ 113.04.17 12:52:46 ] Stitcher > I want to be a better person, and I want to make the State a better place. I can't do that without getting an outside perspective.
[ 113.04.17 12:52:54 ] Elsebeth Rhiannon > Hmh.
[ 113.04.17 12:53:31 ] Elsebeth Rhiannon > I am not sure I am comfortable of EM being a training academy for State loyalists.
[ 113.04.17 12:55:00 ] Elsebeth Rhiannon > Though I can see the upside of affecting where the State goes, obviously.
[ 113.04.17 12:55:01 ] Stitcher > it's not about "training". It's... about getting a different point of view. seeing what the mountain looks like when you're not living on its' slopes.
[ 113.04.17 13:00:14 ] Stitcher > probably sounds like Fedo stink, right?
[ 113.04.17 13:02:38 ] Elsebeth Rhiannon > Well, yes and no. As in, no, you are not getting secure information access if I have any say in it, but yes, I can see how this would be useful.
[ 113.04.17 13:02:54 ] Elsebeth Rhiannon > Wish you luck seeing the mountain for what it is.
[ 113.04.17 13:03:57 ] Stitcher > I certainly hope to.
[ 113.04.17 13:04:45 ] Elsebeth Rhiannon > Then maybe you will stay. Though I have to say, yesterday I'd have rated the chances that you defect to about equal to myself or Blake doing the same, and I still don't rate it very high.
[ 113.04.17 13:05:23 ] Stitcher > and you're quite right, I haven't.
[ 113.04.17 13:05:43 ] Stitcher > but you and I have different ideas about what my loyalty to my people and homeland mean.
[ 113.04.17 13:07:00 ] Elsebeth Rhiannon > Maybe.
Session ended: YC113.04.17 13:55:09
Save. End.
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